New Year New Me

Welcome to 2014.

Since my last post a lot has happened. I left IBM after 10 years, relocated to the pan handle of Florida, started a new exciting job, and gained a ton of weight during the transition.

New me for 2014

Last week at the urging of my marathon partner I started running again, and managed to log a 2.2 mile run and a 4 mile run, and this week I started a new diet that has the promise to help me drop a healthy amount of weight relatively quickly. Before the comments abound, I know that it took me a long time to gain it and will take just as long if not longer to lose it, but I wanted a good kick start, and this will help me shrink my physical stomach (e.g. reduce consumption) and hopefully give me a loss to motivate me.

I am generally not one to follow the latest FAD diets, but I have three friend that have been wildly successful with this particular system, so I figured , why not. I will refrain from mentioning the program / company itself until I have see the effects myself, but will definitely share if I find it works and is not just another snake oil scheme.

The diet has different days or phases that comprise of cleanse days and non cleanse days. Day one is a non-cleanse day and will end at 1400 calories intake. My husband is lovingly calling it a starvation diet… be it…I have committed to do 22 days of this system and see where it leaves me…….I definitely know I will not starve……my body can survive on my fat stores for at least 2-3 months…lol

Todays schedule is as follows:



Upon Waking a shot of Superfuit and Mineral juice


Morning – Breakfast Shake : 2 Scoops with 10 oz water and Ice

1 Supplement Capsule

Late Morning – Snack 100 Calorie Snack

Glasses Water

Early Afternoon – Lunch Shake : 2 Scoops with 10 oz water and Ice

1-2 Glasses water

Mid Afternoon – Snack 100 Calorie Snack

1 Supplement Capsule

1-2 Glasses Water

Evening – Dinner Healthy 400-600 Calorie Meal

1 Supplement Capsule

Late Evening – Bedtime 1-2 Fiber Capsules

So far my first snack I chose half a bag of  ‘Just Strawberries and Bananas’  – freeze dried strawberries and bananas, which was tasty.

So feedback so far:

I don’t find myself hungrty yet, but I have been peeing like crazy and find that I am feeling cold. I have been told that some people feel cold as the body flushes out the impurities, so be it.

The plan for the rest of the day a snack of 18 cheese-Its in a little while and the following for dinner:

  • Chicken Breast cooked with McKormick Monterey Chicken seasoning : 120 Calories
  • 2 Cups of Roasted Broccoli (roasted with 1/2 tbsn olive oil and Garlic and Cayenne) : 120 Calories
  • Quinoa (1/4 cup pre cooking) cooked with rehydrated european dried mushrooms and 1/2 tbsn Olive Oil : 255 Calories
  • Whole Wheat Pita : 100 Calories

Total Meal : 595 Calories

So far I feel good, but I am definitely looking forward to dinner. I can tell you from smell, what everyone in the office has eaten today, and my office mate had some tasty smelling french fries…..but just like quitting smoking I have to do this in a world where temptation exists. Also in correlation to the way I quit smoking, I have to do it with my husbands support…I just cannot do this if he is noshing on a cheeseburger….so he is doing the diet too.  I love my hubby!


I truly believe it will be really good for us, we are in a reboot with the move and the job changes, why not associate this new year and new life in 2014 with a healthier happier us. We can have the beach bodies and what better place to do it than on an island with beaches on all sides!

I will try to update this on a daily basis , but for the few of you that have read my blog in the past …there may be gaps. Honestly I don’t think there are many readers, but I view this of more like a digital journal that people may stumble upon so be it. It is my personally accountability, but I do welcome support and feedback.

Now lets raise a glass of water to 2014……did I mention I have to drink a gallon of water a day?!?!


About jnocerin

The Bride
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