So I took my first outdoor run today and it was fantastic, and fast. Its was a comedy of errors getting to it. I ran a few errands and planned to hit the canal trail for a 1 mile run. I arrived , managed to disassemble my car key chain, so I could run with just a single key, put on all my gear, and started my nike+ipod. I jumped on the trail to find it completely unplowed. I figured what the hell and tried to run through it. I made it 100 yards and realized it would not work. Back to the car I went. I got home and took to the local streets. It always feels so much better running outside. I am also much faster outside. I actually logged another personal best mile. I got home eager to upload my results to find I have yet another iPod fail. It is stuck in a locked state. Hopefully Apple will fix it since I just had it replaced a few months ago.
Oh yeah, new cozy slippers came in the mail today too!
running outside
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