Today starts the socialization of efforts to get fit. I will update as often as I can with my progress and hope to hear from others on their challenges and successes. Let me start by taking you to the beginning of this effort. Somewhere around Christmas last year (2009), I decided it was time to take my life back. Between work and life stresses I had let myself go, I did not exercise, and I was very unhappy with my weight and diet. So in January I decided I should start jogging. I went out for a short 1 mile loop and rolled my ankle. In my 10 years playing soccer I never rolled an ankle, but the fat out of shape me, sidelined myself for 2 months in one short stumble. I can honestly say it was one of the most painful experience of my life……but it was a wake up call.
During my healing time, I decided I needed a plan and a goal, and I decided the goal was to be a Sprint Distance Triathlon (Swim 1/2 mile, Bike 12 Miles, Run 5K), and the event I would compete in was the Winding Trails Woman’s Triathlon on September 12, 2010. I will document this challenge in a post of its own, but needless to say I now had my goal. I also started following Weight Watchers ( online. I planned to target 1-2 lbs a week with a target weight of 150lbs.
Along the way from March till now, I took up yoga ( , realized that I am not a huge fan of swimming competitively anymore, bought a bike and realized I love bike riding, and came to understand that running is a necessary evil, that can be enjoyable.